Source Themes

Stable isotope proxy records in tropical terrestrial environments

The ‘tropics’ refers to an area that is loosely equatorial, characterized by relatively high temperatures (at low altitude), comparatively low seasonal contrast in temperatures and generally high, or highly seasonal, rainfall. The stable isotopes of …

Stable isotope analysis of white-tailed deer teeth as a paleoenvironmental proxy at the Maya site of La Joyanca, northwestern Petén, Guatemala

Carbon and oxygen isotopes ratios from herbivore teeth have previously been used as paleo-environmental proxies in temperate zones. However, their utility in tropical zones remains uncertain. In this study, sequential sub-samples from white-tailed …

Stable isotope signatures in white-tailed deer as a seasonal paleoenvironmental proxy A case study from Georgia, United States

Oxygen and carbon isotopes from herbivore teeth have previously been used as paleoenvironmental proxies. However, their use in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) remains rare. Here, we present the results of analysis of sequential sub-samples …

Choosing a Path to the Ancient World in a Modern Market The Reality of Faculty Jobs in Archaeology

Oxygen and carbon isotopes from herbivore teeth have previously been used as paleoenvironmental proxies. However, their use in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) remains rare. Here, we present the results of analysis of sequential sub-samples …