
Cloud tools and infrastructure

Azure Data Factory, Synapse Analytics, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Databricks, Git, GitHub

Programming Languages

Python and R to perform supervised and unsupervised data mining techniques. Bayesian modelling and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Use of decision trees, random forest, K neighbors and XG Boost to predict environmental indicator

Big data tools

Apache Spark and Databricks

Data management

Reproducible and open science using RMarkdown, Jupyter Notebooks and Git. Application of the FAIR Data Principles and use of Relational Databases (SQL)

Teaching and communication

Cloud fundamental concepts and hands on tutorials. Data science subjects and workshops: The Carpentries R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, Statistical Comparisons, Data Visualisation, Data Mining and Foundations of Data Science. Sample of teaching slides

Geospatial analysis

Geoprocessing, spatial statistics, remote sensing using Python

Teaching cloud and data skills

Cloud Fundamentals for environmental scientists

Used The Carpentries Workbench to build a curriculum to onboard scientists in the use of cloud tools

Tutorials for geospatial analysis in the cloud

Certified Instructor

Instructor and tutor Master of Data Science

Delivered tutorials and lectures and graded assessments in several subjects, including data visualisation, foundations of data science, statistical methods for data scientists and introduction to data mining.

Featured Awards

Service Award Best Indigenous Peer Assisted Learning Advisor

This award recognises the outstanding contributions of learning advisors to the advancement of Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders students in higher education

World Fellowship

Awarded to promote professional and personal growth during my studies at the University of Georgia

Fulbright Foreign Student Program Scholarship

The program is one of the most prestigious and impactful academic exchange programs in the world. Awarded to study my masters in Geography at the University of Georgia


The ‘tropics’ refers to an area that is loosely equatorial, characterized by relatively high temperatures (at low altitude), …

Carbon and oxygen isotopes ratios from herbivore teeth have previously been used as paleo-environmental proxies in temperate zones. …

Oxygen and carbon isotopes from herbivore teeth have previously been used as paleoenvironmental proxies. However, their use in …
